The Elevar Group is pleased to offer unique opportunities to experience our courses in a customized pre-recorded, on-demand format that meets SHRM PDC and ICF CCE requirements* of voice-to-voice instructor contact.

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With a large list of 2, 6, 18 and 24 credit hour courses, you can complete your continuing education requirments within a few days any time of year, day or night. We add new titles every year so you can return and find interesting options that are a great use of your learning time everytime your credential needs renewing.
Listen to recent group webinars at your own pace and schedule a time to debrief one-on-one with an Elevar faculty member. Together you will discuss the topic and work on your homework or case studies, demonstrating your mastery of the subject matter. In these voice-to-voice sessions, you will participate in active role-playing individually or in small groups led by an Elevar Group faculty member with other enrolees needing on-demand flexibility for continuing education.
Elevar Group discount codes do not apply to On-Demand courses.
Register for your course by clicking on its title below. Your video instructions and workbook will be emailed to you immediately after payment. Upon completing the recordings, you will schedule a one-on-one session time that accommodates your busy schedule in order to finalize your ICF CCE and SHRM PDC requirements.
ICF & SHRM approved
6 credit hour courses
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Meeting your client where they are at in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies affords them the power to choose their own paths & arrive at solutions that meet their individual needs.
In this 6 hour Core Competency course, we work with an elegantly simple core values based model designed to allow your client quick access to the root of their conflict or anxiety, creating deep awareness, understanding & accountability.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Year over year, decade over decade, generational trends emerge in the workplace. Labels are often assigned, and workplace assumptions made, based upon years of experience, when and where someone entered the work place and many other factors forcing people into identifying groups. No where is this more apparent than with the Millennials and Gen Z. They grew up with technology created by their predecessors and peers. They use social media to communicate and multi-task like no other workplace generational group has in the past. Now, they are becoming leaders, and they demand authenticity. But what does that term really mean? How do leaders emerge from these close-knit groups and how do they adopt a management mindset focused on bottom line profitable results, not just having the most fun at work? Coaching corporate leaders who want to be respected and promoted while at the same time remaining authentic to themselves and working efficiently so they can have more time to pursue personal interests is a challenging precipice many coaches are facing.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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In the increasingly online connected world we live in, many people are having trouble connecting to others in person. Social media allows you to connect and keep in touch with many people but what about in person, one on one connections that are necessary in business, family relationships, professional networking, job changes & personal relationships- including friendships? In this 6 CCE core competency course we examine vulnerability, transparency & authenticity as it relates to healthy relationships.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Team coaching requires specially developed acumen that transcends individual coaching. Working with a wide variety of participants who bring varying degrees of emotional intelligence to each session requires keen coaching awareness around group and team characteristics. This course puts resource materials from the textbook In Mixed Company – Communication in Small Groups and Teams by J. Dan Rothwell (used with permission from Cengage Learning), and other trusted sources, into a practical coaching context. Learn how teams differ from groups, the distinctions between empowered and high performing teams, factors that affect teams and how change impacts them. Use and apply this knowledge in specific coaching contexts with other experienced coaches sharing their real life experiences. Recognizing unique structures and dynamics that exist in groups and teams and how that shapes individual perceptions and influences decision making is essential in mastering the ICF core competencies.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Emotional and Psychological Safety play an important factor in every person’s successful relationships whether they are personal, work related, family, friends, volunteer or other groups we and our clients are involved in. We all need it. We really can’t do without it. But do we know what it is? In this 6 CCE core competency course we examine the definitions and roots of emotional and psychological safety, how we create this for our clients in accordance with the ICF core competencies.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Change is never easy. Whether planned or unplanned, many clients don’t embrace change as one door closing and another door opening. Change can be intimidating, overwhelming, exciting, unnerving, unexpected, welcome, desired, necessary, unwelcome, positive and negative in many contexts. In this 6 CCE core competency course we examine change from many aspects, working with the individual situations brought to the course by the participants in a case study type format. Topics will include personal life changes, business or corporate change and family business transitions amongst other topics the group brings to the forefront. Working through change with clients is a fundamental coaching skill, whether they are driving the change or are a participant in a change being driven by another party. Using powerful questions with them to determine how a situation aligns with individual core values; brainstorming curiosity around ways they can take control of something within the experience if they feel powerless. For those clients that are initiating change, allowing them to navigate pathways to minimize negative aftermath with pre-planning and positive communication. Using metaphors (like the nature metaphor) to help people find the solutions they already have the answers to but have not yet uncovered.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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In the workplace, which is increasingly 24/7 access due to social media and technology, anxiety is on the rise. Because of connectivity, it can be harder to escape these pressures without a clear-cut path being set. As coaches we work with a wide variety of people in a vast realm of work place circumstances. Using the core competencies as your framework to help your clients with finding ways to disconnect and recharge so they can better arm themselves against workplace anxiety is a great skillset to have in your coaching toolbox. Identifying the triggers of anxiety and finding a stopper together that they can call upon when needed takes time, repetition and commitment. Breaking any habit can be difficult for a client but setting a roadmap for success and accountability will lead to coaching success.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Many corporations are seeking enhancements around a corporate culture that maximize productivity, reduce turnover, & encourage creativity and open dialogue fruitful to innovation. These initiatives are often led by or include coaches in the process. In this course, we fashion individual frameworks for attendees to use in their own unique scenarios utilizing using the 12 core competencies as a backbone to create a corporate coaching culture framework as is appropriate for your practice, client &/or company.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Coaching in today’s globally interconnected world requires more than a high IQ or EQ (Emotional Intelligence). It also requires a high CQ: Cultural Intelligence Quotient. Whether it’s in relating to your clients personally or raising their awareness and sensitivity to cultural issues, your understanding of cross-cultural communication is fundamental to coaching success. Increase your competence in this core area of knowledge with this advanced continuing coach education course from The Elevar Group. Cross-cultural communication is now a required course in many bachelor’s and master’s programs internationally. Coaching schools are bound to follow. This course puts resource materials from the textbook In Mixed Company – Communication in Small Groups and Teams by J. Dan Rothwell (used with permission from Cengage Learning), and other trusted sources, into a practical coaching context. Class discussions, exercises, and homework focus on learning to use key skills with flexibility and proper knowledge of appropriateness for a given context.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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The Communications Styles Model has been in use for many years and has had many different iterations. Taking this model and using it to create awareness and openness around unconscious bias makes this a powerful coaching tool.
Using the guiding Sociability and Dominance scales as the model was originally created around, we explore the 4 Communications Styles of Supportive, Emotive, Reflective, and Director. Adding to this model exploration of communication patterns will allow clients to have a new awareness of unconscious biases that may be influencing them and others they are surrounded by. Working with your clients to better understand other people’s styles of communication and patterns that they are a part of is a great way to open up new awareness for group, leadership, and individual coaches alike.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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There is a synergy of energy, commitment, and excitement that participants bring to a Mastermind Group. Participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect, and compassion. Mastermind participants act as catalysts for growth, devil’s advocates, and supportive colleagues. Mastermind groups are popping up internationally, often lead by coaching professionals. This course examines this emerging format of group coaching and how its growing popularity will impact coaching globally.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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In many contexts, the LEAN model is an effective tool to move a person -or group -to a rapid change or outcome. In coaching, this is a powerful model built on the basics of the project management cycle: Learn – Build – Measure – (repeat). Using this methodology in coaching affords clients and coaches a simple to follow process no matter what the situation; Providing enough structure to encourage standard processes, yet enough leverage to maneuver complications to problem-solving.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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There is a synergy of energy, commitment, and excitement that participants bring to a Mastermind Group. Participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect, and compassion. Mastermind participants act as catalysts for growth, devil’s advocates, and supportive colleagues. Mastermind groups are popping up internationally, often lead by coaching professionals. This course examines this emerging format of group coaching and how its growing popularity will impact coaching globally. We will also discover the use of meaningful breakouts within the group and individual mini sessions. Increase your own awareness and fine-tune your knowledge of core competencies around group coaching. Whether you currently coach in groups or individually, advance your area of knowledge with this continuing coach education course from The Elevar Group designed specifically for credentialed coaches.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Working with Executives who are pulled in many directions requires a high level of adeptness in direct questioning, bottom lining, and narrowing in on possible areas of awareness. The Polarity Management tools developed by Barry Johnson, Ph.D. and Polarity Partners, LLC are great tools to use to create awareness with your clients about where they are on a personal scale of a wide variety of and/or situations. Setting goals around where they lie in the various demand poles they face can help them achieve balance faster and more effectively. This course puts resource materials from the textbook Polarity Management – Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems by Barry Johnson, Ph.D. (used with permission from Barry Johnson and Polarity Partners, LLC), and other trusted sources, into a practical coaching context.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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This course is a deep dive into the definition of conflict, types, and sources as well as ways to revolutionize your clients’ conflict resolution techniques. Conflict is defined as any situation in which incompatible goals, attitudes, emotions, or behaviors lead to a disagreement or opposition between two or more individuals. Examine conflict as two sources defined as internal and external. Examine conflict as two types defined as functional and dysfunctional. Functional conflict results in positive benefits to individuals, a group, or the organization. This type of good conflict can raise awareness of important issues so that they can be addressed. Good conflict carries the potential to be a win-win. Dysfunctional conflict, on the other hand, can damage group cohesion, promote hostilities among those involved, and create an overall negative experience for all associated with the situation. Learn the revolutionary process of examining conflicts in 4 steps.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Positivity can be contagious. Every situation has an upside and a downside; the yin and the yang, the good and the bad. The ICF core competencies help to draw out positivity in ourselves as coaches in order to serve any client, but some people are predisposed to see the glass half-empty; they focus on past bad experiences rather than the positive things they learned along the way. They worry about the “what ifs” of situations they have no control over, rather than saying “this is what I CAN do” and focusing on the upside of a situation. Much work has been done around the relationship of positive psychology and coaching. Increase your own awareness and fine-tune your knowledge of core competencies around The Power of Positivity with this continuing coach education course from The Elevar Group designed specifically for credentialed coaches.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Celebrities, athletes, parents, teachers, professors, doctors…no matter who the client, everyone battles self-doubt. Within this course, we take a deep exploration of the source, symptoms, and manifestations of self-doubt and how it differs from lack of confidence. Each class module builds upon the previous one, and requires each participant to coach and be coached through the 4 steps necessary to eliminate self-doubt and turn it into personal mastery:1- Focus – Distinguishing between the source of the doubt and the symptoms of the feelings.2- Understand – Determining what previous experiences cause the doubt and what influences the feelings to emerge and why.3- Clarify – revisiting the source and symptoms after creating awareness as to the influencers. How does hubris play into this?4- Kick the habit – Knowing the trigger points, how can you avoid them and what can you change in the routine to eliminate the doubt. Taking control of the thoughts and turning them into positive actions.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Individual core values influence people, groups and organizations both subconsciously and overtly. When someone has a strong understanding of how values guide decisions and actions, that awareness can open up a strong methodology of decision making that helps eliminate worry – allowing people to be more at peace with the choices they make -vs- worrying about how multiple choices might play out. They make the decision with more strength and conviction eliminating the need to worry about what might happen if they go down one path vs another. It can also be a strong way to reduce conflict in a group that may have difficulty making decisions.
Increase your own awareness and fine tune your knowledge of core competencies around values based decision making with this continuing coach education course from The Elevar Group designed specifically for credentialed coaches.
Each class module builds upon the previous one and requires each participant to coach and be coached and discuss their individual experiences with current and past coaching clients and scenarios.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Meeting your client where they are at in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies affords them the power to choose their own paths & arrive at solutions that meet their individual needs.
In this 6 hour Core Competency course, we work with an elegantly simple core values based model designed to allow your client quick access to the root of their conflict or anxiety, creating deep awareness, understanding & accountability.
ICF Core Competency CCEs require a one-to-one call to debrief this content. Please schedule yours when you have completed the recorded sessions and self-study questions from each module.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Creativity is, by definition, the ability to create new ideas, but ideas as a result of creativity must have economic value to be treated as an ‘innovation’.
Nurturing, promoting and supporting innovation is a fundamental coaching skill set any level of coach can better hone to draw upon for both individual coaching clients as well as in team environments.
Whether you take a top-down or a bottom-up approach with your client, cultivate your coaching agility to meet them where they’re at in their stage of innovation in alignment with the ICF core competencies.
Exploring innovation from many different angles will add to your individual, team, leadership, and group coaching practice will be fun and rewarding for all attendees.
In this 6 hour course, improve your mastery of the ICF Core Competencies:
1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice
2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset
3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements
4. Cultivates Trust and Safety
5. Maintains Presence
6. Listens Actively
7. Evokes Awareness
8. Facilitates Client Growth
ICF Core Competency CCEs require a one-to-one call to debrief this content. Please schedule yours when you have completed the recorded sessions and self-study questions from each module.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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One of the first books about Appreciative Inquiry; A Positive Revolution in Change was published in 1999 by David Cooperrider, Diana Whitney. They offered an approach to organizational change based on the possibility of a more desirable future based upon the idea, “What is different now, at this time?”. That difference systematically taps the potential of human beings to make themselves, their organizations, & their communities more adaptive and more effective. AI, a theory of collaborative change, erases the winner/loser paradigm in favor of coordinated actions & closer relationships that lead to solutions at once simpler & more effective.
AI is about the search for the best in people, their organizations, & the strengths-filled, opportunity-rich world around them. AI is not so much a shift in the methods & models of organizational change, but AI is a fundamental shift in the overall perspective taken throughout the entire change process to ‘see’ the wholeness of the human system and to “inquire” into that system’s strengths, possibilities, & successes
Aligning the principle of AI with ICF Core Competencies & HRCI Functional Areas can significantly enhance your coaching skill set, improving your questioning power and level 2 and 3 listening skills as you progress in your career in service of your clients.
In this 6 hour core competency CCE course, we will look at 5 elements of self awareness, 3 kinds of self awareness & 4 steps to self awareness.
Add self awareness cultivation skills to your coaches tool box, honing your skills with other experienced professionals from around the globe. Share stories & work to grow together using various examples of how to develop awareness generating techniques into your work.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Meeting your client where they are at in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies affords them the power to choose their own paths and arrive at solutions that meet their individual needs.
In this 6 hour Core Competency course, we work with an elegantly simple model designed to allow your client quick access to the root of their conflict or anxiety. This framework, based on exploration of individual core values, creates deep awareness for clients to gain understanding of the situations they face. Using deep questioning, clients can understand why conflict or anxiety arises when it does, and how they can work to arrive at a solution in alignment with their individual core values.
Within this course we cover the following core competencies: Establishing Trust and Intimacy, Coaching Presence, Active Listening, Powerful Questioning, Direct Communication, Creating Awareness, Designing Actions, Planning & Goal Setting, Managing Progress and Accountability. Each module builds upon the previous and requires each person to personally ask and answer questions for active learning and application of the model with their clients and themselves.
ICF On Demand Core Competency CCEs require a one-to-one call to debrief this content. Please schedule yours when you have completed the recorded sessions and self-study questions from each module.
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Working with clients, using the ICF Core Competencies & HRCI Functional Areas as your guide, creating awareness is a fundamental principle of personal growth and empowerment for all clients & employees.
In this 6 hour course, we look at 5 elements of self awareness, 3 kinds of self awareness and 4 steps to self awareness.
Add self awareness cultivation skills to your professional tool box, honing your skills with other experienced professionals from around the globe Share stories and work to grow together using various examples of how to develop awareness generating coaching techniques into your work.
In this 6 hour course, improve your mastery of the ICF Core Competencies:
1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice
2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset
3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements
4. Cultivates Trust and Safety
5. Maintains Presence
6. Listens Actively
7. Evokes Awareness
8. Facilitates Client Growth
HRCI Functional Areas Elevar Group Covers:
• Business Management
• Employee and Labor Relations
• Employee Relations and Engagement
• Learning and Development
• Leadership and Strategy
• Strategic Global Human Resources
• Global Talent Management
• Workplace Culture
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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Everyone speaks – but how can you really engage people to listen?
Whether you are engaging employees, coaching clients, stakeholders on a project or customers, engaging is about getting and keeping people’s attention. It’s about giving them something memorable and helping them be and feel their best.
Take a deep dive on how to engage with people better than ever before in this highly interactive professional continuing education course from the Elevar Group.Engagement is a key value of many companies, leaders and others looking to improve their professionalism and communication acumen.
Using the ICF Core Competencies and the HRCI Key Fundamentals, we work on discussion and applying the following topics to our everyday work, client service needs and employee professional development:
• Why engagement matters no matter what the context
• Keys to engagement
• The MAGIC engagement model
• Habits of Super Engaging People
• Ideas for Engaging people in the workplace
• Fundamentals of engaging people in one-on-one scenarios
• Optimization of engagement
• Re-engagement and Dis-engagement
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Credit Hours SHRM PDC
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Leaders often think about collaboration somewhat narrowly: as a value to cultivate but not always a skill to teach. Ask any leader whether his or her organization values collaboration, and you’ll get a resounding yes, but asking if efforts for sustainable collaboration have been successful, and you’ll probably receive a different answer.
Using the ICF Core Competencies and SHRM BASK areas with your leadership clients allows them to engage in a coach approach with their own leaders to increase awareness across many topics relating to sustainable collaboration including: spreading respect for colleagues’ contributions, openness to experimenting with others’ ideas, and sensitivity to how one’s actions may affect both colleagues’ work and the mission’s outcome. How positive outcomes can be driven and negative behaviors like distrusting others and obsessing about their own status can be minimized. Working to encourage an outward focus in everyone, challenging the tendency people often have to fixate on themselves, empowers both teams and individuals move towards outcomes of not only what they’d like to say and achieve, but also what can be learned from others.
Taking the ideas around sustained collaboration and moving it from an officially named corporate goal to a recognizable corporate culture requires creating opportunities for collaboration and demonstrating institutional support for it over time. Work with your executive clients more effectively using the ICF Core Competencies as a guideline.
In this 6 hour course, improve your mastery of the ICF Core Competencies:
- Demonstrates Ethical Practice
- Embodies a Coaching Mindset
- Establishes and Maintains Agreements
- Cultivates Trust and Safety
- Maintains Presence
- Listens Actively
- Evokes Awareness
- Facilitates Client Growth
and the SHRM BASK areas:
- HR Experience
- Business Acumen
- Communication
- Consultation
- Ethical Practice
- Global & Cultural Effectiveness
- Leadership & Navigation
- Relationship Management
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Hours SHRM PDC
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A personal leadership brand conveys your identity and distinctiveness as a leader. It communicates the value you offer. If you have the wrong leadership brand for the position you have, or the position you want, then your work is not having the impact it could.
Leadership brand as a company, or employer, is a reputation for developing exceptional managers with a distinct set of talents that are uniquely geared to fulfill customers’ and investors’ expectations. A company with a leadership brand inspires faith that employees and managers will consistently make good on the firm’s promises.
Leadership is a social process – it’s not just about individuals, it’s about impact, influence and so much more. Take time from your busy schedule to take a step back from your own desk, day, client appointments and more and increase your knowledge of this important topic to increase your own effectiveness as an executive coach or executive leader.
In this 6 hour course, improve your mastery of the ICF Core Competencies:
1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice
2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset
3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements
4. Cultivates Trust and Safety
5. Maintains Presence
6. Listens Actively
7. Evokes Awareness
8. Facilitates Client Growth
The SHRM BASK Representation Elevar Group covers:
- HR Experience
- Business Acumen
- Communication
- Consultation
- Ethical Practice
- Global & Cultural Effectiveness
- Leadership & Navigation
- Relationship Management
6 CCE Credits in ICF Core Competencies – 6 Credit Hours SHRM PDC
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Making a change in direction, no matter the circumstances, can be daunting to many people. Whether that’s a corporate leader charged with igniting a paradigm shift or an individual whose circumstances unexpectedly change and require them to pivot, or someone choosing to make a change (like retirement), there are some good frameworks and models to learn about that could be useful when used to create awareness with clients and leaders you work with. In this 6 hour course from the Elevar Group, we explore these models and ideas using the ICF Core Competencies and HRCI Functional Areas to guide our discussions and application of the content.
ICF Core Competencies Elevar Group Covers:
• Demonstrates Ethical Practice
• Embodies a Coaching Mindset
• Establishes and Maintains Agreements
• Cultivates Trust and Safety
• Maintains Presence
• Listens Actively
• Evokes Awareness
• Facilitates Client Growth
SHRM BASK Representation Elevar Group Covers:
- HR Experience
- Business Acumen
- Communication
- Consultation
- Ethical Practice
- Global & Cultural Effectiveness
- Leadership & Navigation
- Relationship Management
Very popular more or less than 6 CCE courses – 2-24 credit choices include:
ADVANCED CORE COMPETENCIES - 24 CCE'S in core compentencies
Earn 2 to 24 CCE credits with 12 individual 2 hour webinars 2 CCEs each – 24 total Core Competency credits available toward (re)certification. Enjoy the entire webinar series from wherever you are, or join in whatever courses you wish. Stretch, learn, and earn 2 -24 CCEs as you master the 11 ICF core coaching competencies faster than you ever imagined.
Session 1- Making Goals Happen
Session 2 – Creating Rapid Rapport
Session 3 – The Purpose Driven Question™
Session 4 – Intentional Listening™
Session 5 – The Commitment Test™
Session 6 – Breakthrough Questions
Session 7 – The Art of the Reframe
Session 8 – Mind Over Metaphor
Session 9 – Assess, Don’t Assume
Session 10 – The Success Rehearsal™
Session 11 – The Perceptual Shift
Session 12 – The Discovery Map™
Full Series
Take the ENTIRE Advanced Core Competencies Series – 24 CCEs in core competencies – $2340
Session 1 – Making Goals Happen – 2 CCEs in core competencies – A goal is what you set. An outcome is what you get. Help your clients conceive and achieve what they really want using The Intelligent Outcome™ model. $195
Session 2 – Creating Rapid Rapport – 2 CCEs in core competencies – Connect quickly and authentically with anyone (yes, anyone) using proven rapport-building techniques from NLP. Share your learning and help clients improve even the most difficult relationships. $195
Session 3 -The Purpose-Driven Question™ – 2 CCEs in core competencies – If clients don’t know where they’re going, any question will take them there. Deepen and hasten the impact of your coaching with purposeful questions that begin with the end in mind. $195
Session 4 – Intentional Listening™ –2 CCEs in core competencies – Even deeper than the activity of listening is intentionality. Intentional Listening™ focuses both client and coach on what’s being said beneath the surface. Help your clients hear with new ears as you practice Intentional Listening. $195
Session 5 – The Commitment Test™ – 2 CCEs in core competencies – How can you assess and enhance your client’s commitment to action before the coaching session ends? By using The Commitment Test.™ Discover a quick yet probing tool that focuses the coaching on essential next steps. $195
Session 6 – Breakthrough Questions – 2 CCEs in core competencies – How can you speed stuck clients to a breakthrough? The answer is in your question. Discover five breakthrough questions that will help even the most stuck client gain awareness and rapid results. $195
Session 7– The Art of the Reframe – 2 CCEs in core competencies – Just as a new frame changes a work of art, reframing changes a client’s mind. Learn key Sleight of Mouth patterns from NLP that challenge limiting beliefs and positively shift how clients think. $195
Session 8 – Mind Over Metaphor – 2 CCEs in core competencies – The use of metaphor and analogy is a core coaching competency that is rarely taught. Learn how to craft compelling new narratives to replace your clients’ old stories. $195
Session 9 – Assess, Don’t Assume – 2 CCEs in core competencies – People often make assumptions without awareness. That includes coaches. Spot the blanks that your clients are leaving — or that you’re filling in — and discover effective new ways to question assumptions. $195
Session 10 – The Success Rehearsal™ – 2 CCEs in core competencies – The Law of Attraction meets a tangible coaching tool in The Success Rehearsal.™ Practice makes perfect as clients experience success in their minds, and then take action on their learning. Put the power of the subconscious to work with this inventive and practical coaching tool. $195
Session 11 – The Perceptual Shift – 2 CCEs in core competencies – Conflict and hurt feelings often result from misreading others’ minds. The Perceptual Shift helps clients directly experience new possibilities for understanding and empathy. Learn a powerful NLP tool that teaches the lesson: “Interpretation does not equal intent.” $195
Session 12 – The Discovery Map™ – 2 CCEs in core competencies – Discover 15 common language patterns that hinder clients’ understanding, and master 15 coaching questions that will unlock their learning. Turn barriers to awareness into portals for growth in this highly interactive Q&A session. $195
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Neuro-Linguistic Coaching (NLC) is Carol Goldsmith’s reformulation of some of the most important concepts and models from the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) into powerful, practical coaching tools to help clients achieve breakthrough results. This course gives experienced coaches practice and feedback in using key NLC models and tools to coach clients, through classroom demos, exercises, and self-study assignments in between sessions.
Students will learn advanced Neuro-Linguistic Coaching models and tools to help clients break through self-limiting belief and behavioral patterns that may have been holding them back for decades. Coaching demos, exercises, discussions, and self-study assignments will tie the learning to one or more of the ICF core competencies. Tools and topics covered include: Building rapport through matching & mirroring of verbal and non-verbal language; content and context reframing; identifying and coaching clients’ motivational patterns; securing the client’s Commitment to Action; The Discovery Model’s 15 language patterns and corresponding coaching questions; using The Identity Map to coach the client’s “being” vs. “doing”; and how to change habitual patterns with the Success Rehearsal.
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There’s a twilight zone of personal awareness when your client has a breakthrough that leads them to an individual transformation. Many of these breakthroughs are discovered as the result of the use of assessment tools. As coaches, we are often engaged to work with people based on the results of performance reviews, assessments or other tools used to measure results and modify personal behaviors in the professional workplace. Individual results contribute to team dynamics so being able to see how one person’s results compare and interact with others can be key to your success as a coach. Increase your personal knowledge of a variety of assessment tools available to you as a coach, what they are used for, how they compare to each other, how to obtain and administer them and who you can use as resources when you need a tool quickly. This program looks into the history and use of a wide variety of personal, team and leadership assessment tools. Beginning with individual personality assessment tools (ie DISC, Meyers Briggs, Predictive Index, Gallup Strength Finders), moves into team assessments and 360 reviews (ie Leadership Circle Profiles) and then leadership profile assessments (ie Center for Creative Leadership and Hogan). Over 4 sessions we are visited by several practitioners experienced in administering and interpreting these various assessments. Participants will be able to sample some of the assessments themselves, receiving their personal results for discussion in the group.
—*See the full ICF CCEU requirement here:
Continuing Coach Education (CCE) refers to training, writing or research in advanced coaching skills directly related to ICF Core Competencies or the professional development of a coach. A CCE Unit (CCEU) is 60 minutes of Continuing Coach Education. For CCE Providers, this must involve voice-to-voice contact with an instructor. The following training methods count as CCE units: in-person classes, live tele classes, live webinars, individual or group coaching observation or mentoring with an instructor present.
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