Register for any of these ICF CORE COMPETENCIES & HRCI CPE approved topics:
-Advanced Core Competencies
-Anchoring Anxiety & Conquering Conflict Using Expectation Modeling
-Appreciative Inquiry
-Authentic Leadership & the Multigenerational Mindset
-Coaching Commitment and Connectivity
-Coaching Emotional and Psychological Safety
-Coaching For Innovation
-Coaching For Sustainable Collaboration
-Coaching High Performing Teams
-Coaching Life and Business Transitions
-Coaching the Pivot
-Coaching Workplace Anxiety
-Creating Awareness
-Creating Awareness Using Assessment Tools
-Creating a Corporate Coaching Culture
-Cross Cultural Intelligence
-Entrepreneurial Coaching
-Ideal Engagement
-Increasing Awareness and Enlightening Bias with the Communication Styles Model
-Leadership Branding
-LEAN Coaching Model
-Masterminding as Group Coaching
-Neuro Linguistic Coaching
-Paradigm Shifts
-Polarity Management in Leadership & Executive Coaching
-Power of Positivity
-Resolutionizing Conflict
-Sphere of Positive Influences & Referential Power
-Turning Doubt Into Clout -Transforming Self Doubt Into Personal Mastery
-Values Based Decision Making